Sunday, June 13, 2010

how things have changed...

It's almost been a year since I have blogged. I almost gave up on doing it, however, especially with my addiction to facebook ( I know, I know).
Things have changed so very much. Autumn finished her first year of Mother's Day Out. She did really good, and she loved her teacher (as did I).
Owen is in to everything. He's almost a year old (pitter pat). He has been the best baby...never really cried until he was 10 months old. Now, I see that he's going to be an "all boy" toddler.
They definitely keep me busy, but I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world...not even 10 minutes by myself =).
Okay, well I wanted to write lots more, but ae wants me to help her paint, and owen's waking up from his SHORT nap! this is my life!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Daddy Daughter Time

So, our first week home with Owen, Brandon was home as well. What a lifesaver! He was truly amazing. I am so thankful for him and his love for our children.
Autumn was adjusting to Owen being at home, and me having to tend to him so much. And not to mention the fact that I couldn't (and can't) pick her up for two or three weeks, due to the c-section. But she's adjusting pretty good. She's as emotional as ever, but the jealous bug hasn't hit her that's good. Autumn wants to be the big helper, and she tries her hardest.

Brandon had special things planned for him and ae. This way they were able to spend some time together. My last night in the hospital (July 4th), he went home with her and they watched fireworks. She had a hard time being away from us, so spending that night together was really good for her.

On Monday, they went grocery shopping, and they bought a little pool for her to play in. On Tuesday, they just spent some time together playing inside and outside. Plus she was able to play in the pool. Wednesday, he took her on a lunch date. She got to pick anywhere she wanted to eat. And of course, she picked McDonald's (which is the one place he never takes her). Thursday, he took her to Opry Mills, so that she could do a build-a-bear. She loved it! She made a horse, and her name is: Lucy Autumn. Friday, the two of them went bowling for the first time. Owen and I went along for the ride, but they were the bowlers. She liked it, but struggled a bit, because her ball was green and she really wanted a pink one. So that put a damper on things for a while, but then we were able to turn things around and she had fun again.

It was so sweet to see the two of them spending so much time together. For him to pay so much special attention to her, when I really couldn't. I am so thankful for this man! He's an amazing husband, but to see him as a!!! Now, that's just beautiful! I am babies are blessed! I am so thankful for my God, my husband, my adorable little girl, and my precious tiny little boy. I couldn't ask for anything more.

Autumn's a Big Sister!!!

Autumn is now officially a big sister!
Here's the facts:
It's a boy!
Name: Owen Alexander (Alexander- he was named after my grandfather that passed
away a week before Owen was born).
Birth date: July 2, 2009
Time: 1:05 pm
Weight: 6 lbs 15 oz
Height: 19 1/4 in

We are all very much in love with this little guy!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Summer is here!!!

It's day four of summer (well, actually day five, because it's 4:20 in the morning and I can't sleep)...but we've had an amazing summer thus far.

On Monday, ae went to the baby doctor with me and heard Owen's heartbeat. She thought that was pretty cool. Then we went to Granny and Papa's house (Grammy was there, too). Ae had Grammy help her paint a little wooden birdhouse to give to Granny and Papa. She said, it would make Papa feel better, since he was feeling sick. How sweet is this child!!!

Tuesday, we went to Grammy and Pa's house. Pa took the day off to play with us, as well. We went swimming for a long time. Poor Pa didn't get to swim very much, he was too busy grilling us some yummy food (that of course ae didn't eat, because she wouldn't dare touch any kind of sandwich other than peanut butter and jelly). But ae did squirt him several times with the water guns. She loves being in the pool. She will yell, "This is AWESOME!!!" And I have to admit to loving it as well, being in the water makes me feel not so heavy and not so pregnant.

Wednesday, we got together with our buddies and played at the Splashpad. We love getting together with Rosa Grace and Carter...and I of course love spending time with Sarah and Angeline. It's funny though, because the kiddos would must rather stand next to us, than get into the water without us. But they slowly warmed up...well at least Rosa and Carter did. Ae would go play as long as no one else was around the spot she wanted to play in.

Thursday, we finally got to hang out at home for a while. We cleaned some. Played with Playdough on the patio out back (under the awning, which was nice because we would occasionally get a rain shower or two). We met Grammy at Taco Bell for lunch, then came home for nap!

Tomorrow...(Friday)- Ae's going to play with Brittany and Kinsey while I stay home for a little bit and hopefully get some sewing done.

Here are some fun pics of the Splashpad:

Don't all smile at once...

Splish Splash

Looking too cool...

All this playing makes a girl thirsty...

"Mommy, I just need to rest for a minute."
I think by this time, they were all ready to rest for a minute...

Autumn's first Dentist Appointment

I took ae to her first dentist appointment on May 1st. She did so good! She got to wear these cool sunglasses, although she was a little disappointed that they were not her Diego ones. She did get for the dental hygienist, Tabitha...who by the way was truly amazing!!! She got a little nervous when the dentist came in though. It probably has a little to do with...okay, a lot to do with the fact that he was a man. But when he came in, she reached out to me, and said, "Mommy, will you hold my hand?" She's so precious!!! I sweet clean toothed baby girl! She did so good that they let her get prizes out of the treasure box.

Here are some pictures of her visit:

ae looking a bit apprehensive...

ae with her cool shades on...

getting down to business...

She loved the suck the water out of your mouth straw was her favorite!
And here's the dentist...what you don't see, is her holding my hand...

When we got home, she had to play dentist with me. She counted my teeth, and then she put on her dentist glasses (and talked about how they had those funny little things on them, like her dentist had).

Playing Catch Up! Starting with Spring Break in Kentucky...

So, I am a little behind on my blogging, but I can't say it's going to get any better with Baby Owen coming next month...but I will do my best.

During Spring Break, Ae and I went to Kentucky to play with Kristi.

Ae knows that Kristi's my sister, but also considered her her sister as well. I think it's because they fight like sisters, but also love like sisters! It's too cute. I think Kristi is the only person that doesn't ooh and aah over her, but treats her just like any other kid.

However, I also know that Kristi loves her more than she's ever loved anyone before. I definitely trust ae's life with my sister.

Okay, enough about all are some fun pics of us in Kentucky.

Flying Kites...

Playing Soccer...

AE feeding the ducks...

Kristi hiding up at the top of the hill, because she's terrified of the ducks =)

Playing at the Park...

Friday, May 8, 2009

What I haven't blogged about....

My sister posted a comment on here a little while back. She said that I haven't mentioned my pregnancy at all on here. It's true. For one reason, I have been a slacker and I haven't written very much on here in the last few months. But my other reason, is because this blog is my Mommy 2 AUTUMN blog....not my mommy 2 Autumn and Owen blog.

So, here goes some baby info...

It is looking like Baby Owen Scott Currey will be here sometime around July 2nd. We will have another c-section (doctor says so). I either wanted Thursday July 2nd (because ae was born on a 2nd and on a Thursday...I know silly, right?) or July 4th...because I already had a groundhog baby, why not a Fourth of July baby as well.

Autumn is excited about being a big sister, although, I honestly worry about her since she is such a mommy's girl. She's going to be such a big helper. But I look forward to also carving out some just "ae and mommy time" as well.

I was shocked to find out that we were having a boy. A tiny part of me really wanted Autumn to have a sister...but now looking back at it, I realized that God know how competitive my child was...and it was better for her to have a brother...especially this close in age.

I am very excited about having a son. We have lots of girls in our family, but not nearly enough boys. He too is definitely going to be a mommy's boy. And I am 100% okay with that. Not sure how much Brandon's going to like that, though.

Not too sure how we got his name, other than Kristi threw the name out there, and I put in on a list with like 50 other names. I let Brandon narrow it down...and his name remained in the top of the list. Scott is Brandon's middle name. And autumn already calls him "Owen Scott". It's never just Owen...but at least that's better than her first choice of Leroy!

Okay, may write more later, but it's 11:21 and she's waking up again.