Thursday, January 29, 2009

My baby...

So, my mother in law so nicely reminded me that tonight is Autumn's last night in her baby bed (granted we've turned it into the toddler bed, but still...). She meant nothing by it at all. And it's a true statement...but to a pregnant mommy of an almost three year old precious's everything. I can't believe it. My baby, she's getting so big. I know she thinks she's grown...but to me, I still look at her as my baby. This weekend is the Super Bowl...well, we brought Autumn home three years ago Super Bowl Sunday. So, yet again there are tons of memories flying thru my head right now, and dang it if I didn't have to be reminded that my precious little baby is spending her last night in her baby bed. Like I said, nothing against my mother-in-law, it's just me being the overly attached mom that I am, and on top of that 4 months pregnant.

So, as I write 2 year old (almost three in 4 days) is falling asleep in her baby bed for the very last time. I love her so very much. Yes there are those moments that she drives me absolutely batty...but there are so many more moments where she just takes my breath away.

I love that little girl...I sure pray that I will love baby "Leroy" like I love my baby, Autumn.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Big Girl Room

Autumn turns three on February 2nd. Don't worry, she won't let you forget. She's very excited. As part of her birthday presents...she's getting a new queen size bed! I know, right. I have to admit, I am a bit jealous that her tiny little body will have this huge bed all to herself. However, our reasoning for buying the queen rather than the full was $150 less...crazy I know...and only a difference of 3 inches one way and 4 inches the other way. So, why not!
But she's so excited about this big girl room she's getting. Her and her daddy painted last weekend. So, it's purple on top and white on the bottom. We bought new pastel colored curtains with flowers on them. We put new blinds up, and even got her mattress today. So, she's almost ready to spend her first night in her big girl room. We are now just waiting till Friday when the actual furniture arrives. I can't wait to show you all her room. So far I love the looks of it. I will add pictures when it's completed. At first I worried about her not having enough room to play, but she has the whole upstairs full of toys, and she usually plays in the living room! So, it will all work out.
You can tell Brandon's been very excited about all of this as well. He's done a great job of building it up for ae. But although we are all super excited about the change, it kinda makes me a little sad. My little girl, isn't going to be in her little room anymore. She's not going to be in her little toddler bed or anything. That rooms going to go back in time, and return to it's nursery stage for the baby. So my little baby, isn't such a little baby anymore. She's growing up way too fast. Definitely makes me want to freeze time and just hold her in my arms for as long as I can.
Okay, must go now...tears are falling, just thinking about all of this.
Love you all!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Well, If you aren't going to clean it....I guess I will have to do it.

I think this is what my little girl was trying to tell me. The bathrooms aren't my favorite rooms to clean...I will admit it. So, it was a nice (?) surprise to see Autumn doing it for me the other day?
Well, I don't know if I would totally go that far...but here's what happened:

I was cooking dinner and I hear: "Mommy, look at this!" She was so proud of herself. She had been so busy in her bathroom. She was cleaning the walls and everything. You could just see the excitement and accomplishment on her face.

And who knew that a wet rag and good ol' toothpaste was the best choice to clean the walls with?

Silly Girl!