Sunday, June 13, 2010

how things have changed...

It's almost been a year since I have blogged. I almost gave up on doing it, however, especially with my addiction to facebook ( I know, I know).
Things have changed so very much. Autumn finished her first year of Mother's Day Out. She did really good, and she loved her teacher (as did I).
Owen is in to everything. He's almost a year old (pitter pat). He has been the best baby...never really cried until he was 10 months old. Now, I see that he's going to be an "all boy" toddler.
They definitely keep me busy, but I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world...not even 10 minutes by myself =).
Okay, well I wanted to write lots more, but ae wants me to help her paint, and owen's waking up from his SHORT nap! this is my life!