Wednesday, February 27, 2008

(s)NO(w) mommy....

Autumn calls She loves it. She is so excited this morning because there's a touch of snow outside. I took her out in it so she could at least touch it. However, I have realized that her favorite part of the snow is to eat it. Sounds Yummy, doesn't it? She thinks it's the funniest thing to taste the snow.
She keeps going to the door and saying, "NO, mommy!" Then she runs around looking for her coat and shoes.
Brandon went in to work a bit late today, so they went and played with the snow this morning. He was all ready for work when they went out, and she thought it was so funny, because she would throw snow on him and get him dirty.
I will have to post some pictures in a bit so that you all can see ae playing in the snow (the massive amount that we have....)

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Perfect Moment of the Super Bowl

So, yes the Super Bowl was a great game. Brandon and I were for opposing teams, which made it that much more fun!

But to tell you the truth the most amazing moment of the whole show was Jordan Sparks singing the National Anthem. Don't get me wrong, she was amazing! But that's not what stole my heart. It was my 2 year old cutie sitting in my lap singing oh so softly with her. It was the most amazing sound I think I have ever heard. She just melted my heart.

Again, what a game!!!! However, when I think back to this Super Bowl, it will be the music from Autumn's mouth that I will remember!

Friday, February 1, 2008


Two years ago tonight I went to the hospital to be induced. I can't believe it's already been two years.
So, more so for me than anyone else, I have to relive that.

Wednesday, February 1, 2006

I spent the day making sure that I had everything packed. Lissa came over to spend my last non-mommy day with me. It was so good to have her here. She kept my mind busy. We went to Captain D's for my last lunch. I wasn't to eat anything after 12.

When Brandon came home, we casually called our families and talked to them. We just wanted to cover everything. We didn't want them to call later and us not be here and wonder what was going on. So we talked to our sisters and parents like it was any other day.

We left and went to Taco Bell for him to eat. I was so nervous/excited about the unexpected that I wasn't bothered at all that I wasn't allowed to eat.

On our way to the hospital, I remember calling my dad. We were just talking, and something was said about the baby. He said something of the sort that he hoped that I would have it on his birthday (Feb. 8th). So, I jokingly said, "so if I go to have it before then, you don't want to know?" He said, "No, No, I am not saying that at all." That's when I just laughed. He had no clue!

We get there, we get all set up. The nurse says that I am already having some contractions and 2 centimeters. She said that I may not need to be put on the medicine after all. So, we didn't know what to think about all this. So we decided it was time to call the families just in case we went into labor.

I remember us calling our families and them being so nervous and shocked that we were already at the hospital. They were all making arrangements to be there first thing in the morning.

My poor sister was at school at WKU. I called her and she was so excited. She couldn't wait to be an aunt. She was going to come down first thing in the morning; however, she couldn't relax up in Kentucky. She felt like she needed so badly to be at home with her family. I am so thankful that she came on down that night. She was so cute, just how excited she was.

This leads into February 2nd. It was so good to have my family there. It helped a lot to just know everyone was there. I am very thankful for Kristi, Lissa, and Angeline being there. What a day!!!

I remember several times just looking at Brandon and just thanking God that He brought this man into my life, and now we were about to have a baby. I am so blessed to have such an amazing husband. He is such a wonderful daddy.

God blessed us at 5:57 (via c-section) with a beautiful baby girl. She took my breath away! It's funny how instantly I went from knowing that I was Danielle to knowing that I was now Mommy!!!

I am so thankful for this beautiful gift that God has given us.
She makes my heart whole.

Thanks for letting me share...Love, Danielle